Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials – Microsoft is now on record stating that their anti-virus & internet security package offers “bare bones” protection and recommends the use of a third-party Internet security package. Click here to see a recent...

Kansas City Computer Security

Kansas City Computer Security Experts! Small businesses and individuals often hear about how important computer security is, but most don’t really know or understand what they need to do to keep their computer and data safe, secure and private. At Prairie Star...

PC Repair In Kansas City

Prairie Star Technology are experts at PC repair in Kansas City! Computers just continue to get more and more complicated and seem to suffer from all sorts of problems.  They slow down over time, annoying pop ups flash on the screen, computer viruses are all over the...

Kansas City Handyman

Had the opportunity to sit down with Kip Stamper, owner of Olathe’s We Can Handyman this morning over a cup of coffee.  Love his slogan, Turning Honey Do’s into Honey Done’s!  If you are looking for someone who can do just about anything, you can...

Slow Computer

Frustrated with a slow computer?  You aren’t alone.  But you may be even more frustrated because you don’t know who to trust to fix your slow computer. There are commercials on TV, advertisements on the Internet and a good portion of an isle at...